Magnus Kindstrand has a business law background from Mannheimer Swartling, the leading business law firm in the Nordic region, and for many years has had a practical focus on wills and succession planning, wealth structuring and historical landed estates from a Swedish and international perspective.
Magnus Kindstrand is primarily working within the following fields from a Swedish and internation perspective:
Lawyer, Advokat Magnus Kindstrand, 2017 -
Lawyer in office community with Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, 2013 – 2017
Senior counsel, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, 2008-2012
Partner, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, 1990-2008
Partner, Carl Swartling Advokatbyrå, 1976-1990
Associate, Carl Swartling Advokatbyrå, 1974-1976
Associate, Wetter & Swartling Advokatbyrå, 1970-1974
Assistant to Dean of Law Faculty and Professor of civil law, Uppsala University, 1967-1969
D.E.S. Européennes [mention très honorable] (Centre Européen Universitaire de Nancy, Frankrike, 1971)
LL.M (Uppsala universitet, 1969)
B.A. (Uppsala universitet, 1965)
Swedish Bar Association, 1975
International Bar Association
Magnus Kindstrand, Advokat
Telephone: +46 70 770 51 20
Mail address:
Box 3140
SE-103 62 Stockholm
Norrlandsgatan 21, Stockholm
c/o Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå
Copyright Advokat Magnus Kindstrand